Everyone has a different reason for entering a race. To get a personal best. To raise money for charity. To prove you can get over the finish line, after the weeks and months of training you’ve put in.
Now you can celebrate your race story – by personalizing your medal with an iTAB.
By adding iTAB, you can personalize your race medal with your name, your finish time and an optional message. Your iTAB is attached to the medal ribbon with our unique iTAB ribbon hanger – so you can see it from the front along with the medal itself. So when you’ve added an iTAB, you can always remember what time you ran your race in – and share the story of your race day with friends and family.
You could also share your race story on social media. Just snap an image of your medal – with your iTAB ribbon hanger, showing your name and finish time.
The Small is for ribbon width up to 27mm and the Large is for ribbon width up to 40mm

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